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See the Tall Ships

Tall Ships in Provincetown Harbor in the summer. Copyright Dave Silvia.
Tall Ships in Provincetown Harbor in the summer. Copyright Dave Silvia.

Each summer and fall, Provincetown honors its maritime heritage and coastal identity by hosting tall ships, also called schooners. These historical vessels were once emblematic of the high seas, and their visits bring the beauty and majesty of a bygone era of sailing. Most tall ships offer recreational sailing excursions. In addition to being fully operational sailing vessels, many serve as floating museums, with tours and talks designed to inform the public on the history of sailing and fishing on the East Coast.

Provincetown has two local schooners that spend summer and fall in port, the Hindu and Bay Lady. The Hindu and the Bay Lady each have two afternoon outings as well as a sunset trip, providing you with a rare East Coast opportunity to watch the sun set over the water. Each ship is also available for private charter.