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Lesbian Visibility Week

22 - 28
Apr 22 - Apr 28

Provincetown Apr Calendar

Lesbian Visibility Week

Provincetown’s first Lesbian Visibility Week!

The theme of this year’s Lesbian Visibility Week (LVW) is United, Not Uniform. Our aim is to celebrate lesbians and show solidarity with all LGBTQ+ women and non-binary people in our community. We believe in unity and lifting up those who are most marginalized.

Provincetown and San Francisco are slated to be two central hubs for this year’s official Lesbian Visibility Week USA celebrations.

A wide variety of events in Provincetown will include an opening night We Are Family Potluck, LVW24 Welcome Reception, Parties, Trivia Night, Live Music, a Play Reading, a Ptown Herstory Storytelling Panel, Meditation Sessions @soleluna.ptown, Feminist Stoop Readings, Yoga, Dune Tours @toplesstoursptown, Book Events, an Astrology Dating Game Show, a Softball tournament, a Drag King Brunch and more!

For more information and scheduling visit lesbianvisibilityweekptown.com

Do not miss out! Join us in Ptown and…lez celebrate!